Church of the Incarnation
New York City - June, 2010
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It may be easy to criticize churches today for their lavishness. Much money is spent on constructing elaborate edifices of stone and glass when God, it is said, is already in our hearts. But if one took the time to read through a church’s architectural history, one might find not lavishness but labor. If a glassmaker is asked to build a glass window for a church, he might do so with a wholly different attitude than he would for an office building. An outpouring of reverence and maybe even charity might pervade his mind. There is a greater love to be found we all seem to know, and perhaps the builders know all too well that even the grandest and best-looking churches our hands can craft will stand pale and insignificant in comparison when placed side-by-side with the greatness of this love.
church of the incarnation
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