Winding Hills in Late Spring
Montgomery, NY - June 4, 2010
I first took pictures at twilight early in the spring at Goose Pond Mountain State Park in Monroe, NY. I was surprised then to find that lighting was actually ideal for photoshopping. The images responded well to Photoshop's (you can use any image-editing program) white balance tool to turn my camera's deep-blue-hued images to more natural-looking colors. Since then, I didn't hesitate taking pictures in the dark way after sunset especially after dinner when all the chores were done.

Last Friday night, I took pictures at Winding Hills about 40-50 minutes after sunset.

Click on a picture to enlarge.
Winding Hills Lake.
Hill on the other side of the lake.
The road to Winding Hills Park.
The star-like dots you see are fireflies. They're present in the other pictures, too.
Passing car.
For those of you who prefer
I guess what I'm trying to say is, the so-called “golden hour” during sunset when the sky is a deep orange and one may directly look at the sun may be the best time to shoot, but don't hesitate to go outdoors and take pictures even after the sun has already set on you. Bring a tripod along and you might be surprised at the results you get. I hope these pictures help illustrate the point somewhat.
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