Midtown Churches
New York City
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Saint Raphael's Church.

This church of a Croatian saint on 40th Street is back-to-back with Saint Raphael's. As you can see, there's another building rising on the distant right. This area of Manhattan -- right at the mouth of the Lincoln Tunnel -- seems to now be in the crosshairs of surveyors looking for land to erect modern high-rise buildings. It's not too far from the theater district on Broadway and still has open space -- that is, low buildings that can be flattened out of the way.

Saint Raphael's Church.This church of a Croatian saint on 40th Street is back-to-back with Saint Raphael's. As you can see, there's another building rising on the distant right. This area of Manhattan -- right at the mouth of the Lincoln Tunnel -- seems to now be in the crosshairs of surveyors looking for land to erect modern high-rise buildings. It's not too far from the theater district on Broadway and still has open space -- that is, low buildings that can be flattened out of the way.
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