Midtown Churches
New York City
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Church of Our Savior.

The Church of Our Savior (Roman Catholic) was established in 1955 with a Romanesque edifice on Park Avenue and 38th Street. It is today surrounded by three tall buildings to its left, right (not shown), and back. But I don't think the surrounding buildings can be classified as skyscrapers -- they're just a tad taller than the church's steeple -- and Park Avenue is a wide enough avenue plus there are no new constructions in sight so the church can feel safe about not being completely blocked into obscurity -- for now.

(Park Avenue is too wide, IMO, for pedestrians. I don't like crossing it because if you're not off the curb at the precise moment the WALK light turns on, you will not have enough time to make it to the other side before the DON'T WALK light starts blinking and urging you to hurry up and run. You can just imagine an aged person using a walker trying to cross the street...)

Church of Our Savior.
The Church of Our Savior (Roman Catholic) was established in 1955 with a Romanesque edifice on Park Avenue and 38th Street. It is today surrounded by three tall buildings to its left, right (not shown), and back. But I don't think the surrounding buildings can be classified as skyscrapers -- they're just a tad taller than the church's steeple -- and Park Avenue is a wide enough avenue plus there are no new constructions in sight so the church can feel safe about not being completely blocked into obscurity -- for now.

(Park Avenue is too wide, IMO, for pedestrians. I don't like crossing it because if you're not off the curb at the precise moment the WALK light turns on, you will not have enough time to make it to the other side before the DON'T WALK light starts blinking and urging you to hurry up and run. You can just imagine an aged person using a walker trying to cross the street...)
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